The US rental market is dangerously high turnover & increasingly volatile.

In Stokholm Sweden, two things have been taking place: An increase in the importation of Islam, and an increase in rent and housing costs for non migrant citizens. Sweden metro areas where workers and college students are concentrated due sheer necessity, are notorious for hosting a parasitic, non-functioning rental housing market with ‘The Game of the Secondary Rental Market’. We’ve all heard about the migrant crisis and how citizens were driven from their homes to deal with the influx of waves from the Islamic world of what some would consider to be ground troops or an invading army of mostly marauding age males, the women they have taken up along the route or war campaign, and children born upon the road who do not know civilization or who have never seen the inside of a home. Mothers who are being trafficked because housing is scarce and unattainable, and the secondhand rental market does another sinister thing: It negates every single tenant right you have without compunction.

The UK has also fared badly with their own housing market. Given that they implemented austerity and a currency production system similar to QE during and after the 2008 crash, we will see our own economy follow a similar timeline especially if we do the same thing these countries did when faced with the conflict.


UK lending rates post 2008UK Less homeowners than WW1 more islam than everUK Living wageUK Millenial wagesMillenials priced out in UK
Globally, the 1% grabbed 82% of all the wealth created in 2017. More than $8 or every $10 of wealth created last year went to the wealthiest 1% according to Oxfam international who also stated that the bottom 50% of the global population saw NO increase in wealth whatsoever. We need to start measuring the legal and other insurmountable debts they occurred, have court records audited, and turn any illegal judgements over at the federal level to enact justice and restitution for these victims of housing fraud.


Here is an example of a person who was asked to exchange sex for rent in one of these illegal rentals, by her own property manager. Apartment buildings are teeming with single moms living alone these days. If I can’t do anything how could these women? #MeToo ladies. #TenantRights #HousingBubble #HousingCrisis2.0 #CourtCorruption

Rent for sex in UK

We also have these problems in the US. If you called the local police, they will tell you to move for your own safety. But what do you do about your money? Does moving every 3 months though you never missed a rent payment sound like human trafficking to you? Or is that acceptable to you as a landlord? Is money really worth this loss?

Here is yet another complaint I dug up from a message board:

On roommates

There’s also missives like this all over the internet urging people to rent rooms to save money. Rooms that might bankrupt them for no reason other than landlord greed and court corruption. Please share my story and do not argue about my authenticity. We are in this housing fight for our lives.Any look at the local Craiglist posting can tell you just how rampant a profit scheme these housing scams have become. In the days before the internet, newspapers moderated ads like these to the police. Today we need a federal cyber enforcement unit dedicated to housing enforcement.

Or maybe it really is time for Trump to enact wartime Government housing – meaning if you can’t have housing near your job, they could start taking the empty buildings we’ve had boarded up since 2008 and using them as emergency housing reserves for workers who are being forced out systematically while paying rent. The crisis needs a solution and leaving it up to local governments is making it far worse.
The following article talks about and sources some of the information on Sweden’s rental market, and how there is not any longer a choice to participate in the secondary rental market because of real estate attrition through foreclosure and a simultaneous failure in civil and housing policy here:–and-playing-it-will-make-you-terrified–

I think everyone reading this is at least somewhat aware of how the events were mishandled in Europe and how our government is on the same destructive path. Make no mistake: life as we know it would cease to exist if we don’t force change through our own activism now.

Instead of hounding your newest neighbor, maybe you need to start hounding the corrupt property owner or deal with rioting and civil unrest because housing is too scarce and people need to work. Housing isn’t being prioritized for workers either, but people who’ve come up with creative means of passive income thanks to todays’ internet and new technology allowing them to get away with it.


There are more IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) or citizens forced from their homes due the invasion and subsequent unrest than ever before in Europe including the Holocaust of the Jewish people in WW2. There are more anti-semitic deniers of that holocaust, as well as the one that has been occuring in the middle east and to some extent Europe, Ukraine, and the Balkans for some time now. The largest human rights crisis in world history is on the move. Why are politicians allowed to add more people to that mix? Why was I selected against my will to be one of their number? Maybe the selective service will contact me since I signed up for it during federal service, it matters not that I am a female, my name is in the lottery and I want to avert a war requiring a draft. I do not think that its possible to maintain any condition in the current climate, and investors will fight change with money from the same group that bankrolled ANTIFA and the Horde. They also bankrolled the defunding of OWS and other civil rights movements through private global corporations.

As I write this article Donald Trump has been warning the Mexico government to apprehend and mobilize a military response to the troops marching toward the US border.

I am going to describe this to you in game theory. Right now we are witnessing a practical cold war in the United States. All the civil unrest has made neighborhoods hostile to people who travel into their communities for work. People are untrusting of new people in the city for no reason. There are people who feel unaffected by the recession who keep telling us to move on, but fiscally that is not possible for some of us. These people seem to have had a fair a day, fair weather experience of the last decade. Many of them are new money and swear to my face in my practice that they deserve to be where they are. They have networks that go back decades, some for 20-30 years. All these people seem to have one thing in common: They are resisting upward mobility of young people and people who lost their wealth from the middle class during our last recession. They are doing all they possibly can to re-rig the real estate market to profit greatly in a short time span. Of course, the idea here isn’t to sustain that wealth. It is to transfer billions in US assets out of the US and into the hands of global churches and mega religious foreign entity governments, to private global corporate investors who are also quitting their day jobs to go into government or elected offices with their newfound wealth and also to tyrannize the working class.

How do I know these opinions exist outside my personal practice experiences? Simple, everyone is talking about it all day long..

A Screenshot ofgnorant comment about upward mobility

These are the opinionated people I get to work with. Isn’t that fantastic?

Everything from building mail cartels of the incumbent residents signing for packages that are NOT theirs to people coming door to door to keep outsiders out. Isn’t that really very nice of them to keep us running like this while they stay put?

There is a new class of wealthy patrons in our society that we never had before. Tenaments always have been and still are unconstitutional as slavery.

We also have a new phenomenon of something not seen since pre-famine Ireland – tenant landlords – often who don’t pay any rent themselves. Many of them are even entrapped in involuntary servitude or illegal labor. With housing this scarce and expensive, they have it better than working rent paying folks. Why would they say anything about their secret employer or lose their roof so workers can have equal housing access and not be rotated endlessly to one building after another?

Yet all of those horrible human rights violations of the past which led to fire, famine, and war, have been reawakened by the investors of 2008’s crash. Enter the new real estate market these investors have created through a few different ingredients and something dubbed the ‘secondhand rental market’, or in laymans terms modern day slave houses and tenements where multiple lessees are crammed unknowingly into the same house, with little to no recourse from local government judges, officials, code enforcement, housing authorities, and even attorneys who are all profiting greatly off the new board game of the housing market by proxy. Got a problem? Move out. Call the police or take them to court? You will have a 17k judgement like me to pay your greedy slumlord’s fancy Beverly Hills Attorney while he sues your infrastructure to oblivion with no more evidence than his own opinion during a FEMA disaster where he is not given access. Did he say he was an attorney or an investigator? Because this is the attorney who sued my family. He is also the attorney who sued on day two of an inferno that became #1 in state history and burned for nearly a month in 3 counties. If he doesn’t lose, we need to get out there and demand these judges be indicted at the DOJ by Trump.

My Uncle retired working for Edison. My family ranch hosts a union meeting for our local linemen every year. Weilbacher should be indicted. Why has he not recused himself? Isn’t this an illegal Conflict of Interest? And now he wants 25% of my wages and thinks he’s king of the bedroom fire sale with doubled rents? He owns a 6 bedroom house and rents it out per room. Do we want him crowned King? YOU DECIDE. Because I cannot fight this battle and win its RIGGED.



Talk about a scorched earth policy and yes I confirmed in court as they were under oath: All democrats, including the Judge Walsh. I was supposed to have Republican O’Neil so where is the DOJ? By the way I might also mention the postal route I wanted is burnt to the ground. That’s not bid contract rigging?

Don’t ask me about my window here. I never know when I will end up sleeping in my car again and ending up in another conflict riot zone without meaning to.

The above is commentary from various articles and other related tidbits. Yes, it is a conspiracy. And someone turned off the valve on my finances when I am already long destitute for their own gain.

Gone are the days where you could rent an apartment and as long as you paid your rent on time and didn’t create some extraordinary and patently life threatening disturbance, your neighbors had to live with you.

Now there is something else in place. Like always, your building still has a leasing office, property manager, or landlord. But now your building also has something else – usually this can consist of the local secondhand rental mafia.
1. The original tenant, or owner of the only valid lease that exists.
2. The subtenants, living with an impossible contract.
3. The people who move in after the subtenants so the original subtenants leave, forcing rapid turnover of these ‘units’ and high subsequent rent increases. Like a shoddy motel in a horrible area not zoned for tourism, these high traffic properties become trashed in record time and frequently the people footing the bill for the damage are the people who took on the initial sub lease. Back to tenant ZERO.
4. Tenant Zero profits greatly off this scheme and may even use the proceeds to pay their rent while not working any job, stay at home, and report the people not participating in the scheme as a group to force more evictions of rent paying tenants. A decade ago in California, it was illegal to turn a rent paying tenant out for the same reasons these predatory slumlords and tenant landlords are acting our of our constitutional and housing rights.
5. When tenant zero gains enough profit, frequently they can create a climate of real estate ‘flipping’ – in your rental market without purchasing anything. Frequently these are people who are deep in IRS debt and acquisitions or forfeiture of tax agencies and other legal issues such as foreclosure, or a 3rd or 4th bankruptcy, and even fraud.
6. No one wants to talk about the fact that this game is NOT a victimless crime. We have many young people who have been evicted and bankrupted by lawyer fees through these sick and predatory housing schemes.

In this article, we will use Sweden as a case study for exemplary purposes. In Sweden, many cities do not have a 1st hand rental market any longer. There is no housing unless you are willing to play the secondhand or sublease rental market.

Above, more documentation and my research. Included is one excerpt with what I suspect is my old studio for rent for $400 more a month. I do not think these events are coincidental nor accidental. This is what happens when someone sells out justice and perjures themselves for material gain. I believe this is a move to enrich the city managers at the expense of utility consumers and Edison. It is an attack on longtime owners of land with water rights which Ventura, CA council members have assualted tyrannically for decades, incumbent like Kim Davis for generations as if their public office were an inherited royal office. I also included the photos from when my routes were blocked from the mudslides. Why am I always in a disaster?

The Feds and DOJ must involve them-self in the Thomas incident. Local corruption has poisoned our case locally and the judges will rubber stamp Weilbacher’s suit regardless of merit. It’s time to prosecute these people to hell.

I write to raise awareness. I remind my readers once again that this blog is a nuclear bomb to my accounting career. I walked off my last job in a rage – a lawyer who got a large judgement on my family through an illegal slumlord with a tenament house where I was duped unto a predatory sublease and then exploited, and ruined – also has filed a large lawsuit against my town’s local power company and several water companies. That’s right. These investors deny the recession. These investors and their lawyers think we should be in a permanent underclass of subservient subleasing and homelessness though we work our motherfucking asses to the bone to have something to show for our labor. Let me give you an example of the commentary I have been reading lately:

If we do not ask Trump to regulate our out of control housing markets, we will become Sweden with nothing available to our nation’s 52% of renters except for the secondary rental market.. If home ownership is the American Dream, the appropriation of a free rental market into the hands of proxy Tenant Zero ‘landlords’ is our American Nightmare.


It has come to my attention that this regulation may not be accomplished at the local level as I once surmised. We have tried doing thus and failed miserably. We have incurred great cost trying to enforce our constitutional housing rights in the local courts and were also retaliated against via having been SWATTED by people in the real market profit schema. To leave this up to local jurisdictions would bankrupt families, tenant law firms who do not assist landlords for conflict of interest, activists, make children and married couples homeless at a mass scale, leave people less solvent to enter into the home owner market, force new workers, young adults, the disabled, low income, and people in education or training, into the secondary illegal and unconstitutional psecondary housing market, and cause mass scale homelessness and rioting. We already have a Hepatitis outbreak and sanitation issues in California due to the democrats and their legacy of homelessness, welfare entitlement, poverty, worklessnes, and squalor. At this point, the system of secondhand housing they created is a solution according to them – yet it is bankrupting families and putting them onto the street while making people who do not work very rich.

At some point, metro areas like Santa Monica, CA and their new ‘homeshare’ laws, which have chosen to side with investors over providing affordable, accessible and permanent housing for pay wages to the public will be brought to answer for their crimes to human rights in this nation at the federal level. You see, we cannot coexist with these investors – because they have made it their lifes work, and paid their attorneys with our money – to make us homeless workers. At this moment I am living in the 4th accomodation in a single year. One was my vehicle, the other a motel, the other a sublet casita, and now I have an apartment. The roof leaks.Everytime it rains. The woman above me is a meth addict who has a child she doesn’t supervise, no husband, and whom dates a string of married men with children posing as single daddies looking for a LTR with her whose child does cannonballs and jumps on the bed all day and wakes up at 4 am because his mom doesn’t take him outside. Ever. She’s illegal. He doesn’t attend school and he’s old enough to attend.

A PRODUCTIVE TAX SEASON 2018? Only for the chosen elite.

The lady I keep running into in the laundry room at my new building is a sweet old Asian woman who can cook so well I’d buy her meals if I could. But she is a Tenant Zero. I have stopped doing my laundry on the premises as rumor has it she’s been here longer than any other tenant. The first time I used the machines there was a not inside the laundry room that someone had damaged the dryers. I don’t doubt that this vile Tenant landlady is the culprit and that she blamed me. There is nothing I can do to escape the housing crisis. Two young grown working men live with her as subtenants who work in this town, men who’ve been living as single for years and who have been living in the underground economy and secondary rental market alongside my husband and myself for the better part of the last decade. I truly feel for these people because they are the people we need to join this movement to turn things around, and they also stand to lose as much as I already have if they try.

We know we are at the point where we need to organize a mass protest about the condition of tenant rights over investor rights, about the condition of human and housing rights over someone with a religious or other radical bias’s preference of absolute silence and peaceful enjoyment, and at the cusp of a war that will not end until housing is fixed because we have very good jobs. But out livelihoods are in dire straights, threatened by a volatile housing market. We cannot allow politicians to turn our residential private housing into semi private hostels where we are forced to move every three months and then foot the legal bills of the Beverly Hills attorneys that the speculative investment slumlords are hiring. Worse, some of these slumlords have now placed Tenant Zero on their personal payroll, and often these are people in the country illegally or convicted felons who cannot find regular employment paid in room and board or work like landscaping in exchange for a room to let in the house they then are appointed at no pay to manage. The scariest thing is I am an insider to these balance sheets and I have seen the books of some sample homeowners participating in these schemes. The IRS currently doesn’t allow a deduction on rental property that operates as a hostel or multi family shared semi private housing, because that type of housing is against federal law. Yet we need to have them enforced.

This graph doesn’t show the secondary rental market turnover:


Tainted planted evidence


Also I would like to point out that the Thomas fire wasn’t the only fire burning, a water valve had been shut off, there is a terror arsonist(s) still at large from the 2015 Blue Cut fire, and that 3 other fires had been within 30 miles on a december day with high winds and no lightning in an area where a high number of victims from the Paddock incident in Las Vegas resided. NO INVESTIGATION INTO TERROR ACTIVITY WAS DONE. NO ONE ASKED WHY EDISON WAS FORCED AGAINST THEIR OWN RECCOMENDATION INTO INADEQUATE TEMP SERVICE YARDS AT THE VENTURA CITY PARK EITHER PRIOR TO THE INCIDENT.

Also, Weilbacher is hardly an innocent party in all this. I’ve no doubt he will sue me again for this publication, a violation of my 1st amendment rights. Now where is my injunction, considering he and Padilla the landlady is potentially an insider to my other federal lawsuit filed in PA and likely a part of the shareholder fraud at Monster? How do these monstrous greedy investment sharks answer to these charges?

The people participating in the scheme have a typical profile or pattern in my experience.
1. The investors subleasing properties are largely insolvent.
2. Indifference and Greed. There are examples of people dying in ways unheard of since before the turn of the last century in these tenements – Take the Ghost Ship – I use this example a lot. The Tenant Zero in that incident was never prosecuted, yet she has forfeited all her assets to various tax and other enforcement agencies. The building owner, who admittedly sanctioned illegal and unconstitutional parallel and fraudulent lease contracts using Tenant Zero was never prosecuted. This scheme continues to harm and bankrupt poor working people all over the US. Her tenants and buildings now have a new landlord – the US government. Because the government is not allowed to engage in commerce unless we are at war on our own soil at the housing market in particular, but allowed to quarter in a time of war their soldiers, the cycle will repeat until an intervention of laws are made. they also greatly enjoy creating false allegations to achieve their ends or SWATTING – a federal crime.

Forced out during lease corporate real

Government is not allowed to hold these seized buildings to house the people who keep getting displaced and are necessary to maintain vital city services, and they must be sold off at auction on a cash only buy that is almost always another serial investor with the same impossible conditions as the last. This is why I suggest seizing these buildings and selling them to individual homeowners that will live in the unit permanently or utilizing them as low income housing. I also propose a repeal of the Ellis Act, laws that make non rent evictions easy as pie, and prohibiting landlords from using background or credit checks. Rental decisions shall be made SOLELY on the tenants ability to pay. It should also be prohibited to film residents, to photograph them, to allow the neighbors to make phone calls or gossip regarding one another’s private affairs (a blatant violation of civil housing rights and reasonable expectation of privacy inside one’s own home), to outlaw the boarding of tenants paying to stay who are not on the lease, prohibit PR clauses or other commercial and private use releases in lease with the exception of contracted and licensed security firms, and finally to prohibit them from asking about hobbies or ownership of equipment used in musical productions, legitimate business, family status, marital status, or the arts with the threat of prosecution of those paid to do property management work. Further, since our real estate market is used for investment almost as often as our stock market, we should prohibit real estate agents and property mangers from amassing large amounts of real estate and limit the nature of corporate and foreign investment into residential property.

We also should set aside the minimum required parcels at the corporate rental level for companies such as power companies and other utilities as well as hospitals to operate as they are being priced out of our markets and there is no replacement. The money cannot come from an unlimited unseen source, can it?
This cycle should be particularly concerning to families and young working people starting out – but it isn’t something most can comprehend. In my own jury which I selected in the housing case, not one had ever had a roommate and approximately 80% of them owned their own home. Around 30-40% were real estate landlord investors themselves with at least one rental home. No one in an apartment complex made it on the jury, the only one who resembled that demographic was a man who lived in a condo owned by a high school friend of his and he’d been there 13 years. there were 12 jurors and zero representation of a juror with experience in shared housing. Yet I cannot file this case with the Supreme court, because I fear for my life. I am already insolvent, and we have no money to go to Sacramento. If we did have the way to pay a filing fee I only have two days to file, but no attorney and Weilbacher would love nothing more than to portray me as a vexatious incompetent person. I cannot risk that, because that would be putting my life at risk in vain. This man is pure evil and greed, descended straight from what looks like Nazi Germany and I think he’s a modern day war criminal along with all the judges and jurors involved. I know this fight has only begun. This isn’t a fight for investors. It is a fight for human rights and housing, no I am not asking for housing to be given to me for free. I am asking to keep the housing I already paid for without someone like these liars destroying my peace and sanity.
3. Large portfolios which have amassed a great deal of wealth post recession
4. Investment in non traditional monetary instruments such as BTC
5. Various ventures and business racketeering operations in which the owners, who usually buy out or force out companies they purposely bankrupt through mob tactics and organized crime, launder large sums of money through open and shut schemes meant to disguise money and assets, then dissolve them and move them to another location or even changing the names and rehiring the employees into said business without their own knowledge. These employees typically sue and request injunctions and have experienced serious and ongoing legal retaliation even while keeping their locations static. This would suggest either a foreign investment or human trafficking element. Local jurisdictions simply are not capable of enforcement here, yet it is badly warranted.
6. Families whom they talk about and have photos of everywhere, yet these wonderful adult children are either entirely dependent upon their parents while managing a portion of those assets in name only or entirely absent and frequently in dire straights, conservator-ships or modern day slavery, mental health crisis, unemployment and utilizing the underground economy.
7. A longtime network of friends, attorneys, investors, city managers, officials, adult children of those interested parties, and a solid, longstanding INCUMBENT presence in the community in more that one instance (such as home ownership, a business, public club membership, some type of visible presence in communities, and usually some type of disclosable history of public service or involvement getting kickbacks from deep state democrats).
8. A mentality of organized crime in which outsiders and people moving up from a lower income bracket are unwelcome and fodder for their next legal assault, resulting in innocent people losing their constitutional housing rights, job loss and employment market turnover due to legal or housing issues that are chronic and recurrent and high return on investment area specific urban markets, employers being unable to maintain a legitimate long term work location due to high corporate real estate turnover, and finally foreclosure.
Frequently these events lead to some type of large scale investigation and high rates of terrorist activity along with the appearance of suspicious persons and terror cells.
A market in these conditions isn’t just unhealthy, it is in denial. A market in these conditions cannot provide constitutional equal housing and tenant rights to people whom the ‘housing cartel’ declares unfit for said units. If the cartel says a rent paying tenant is out — that’s it. You are out. Your eviction will be rubber stamped, and then the building’s corporate foreclosure and subsequent forfeiture will be rubber stamped. Phase 1 of this invasion is set the stage as the horde approaches to take physical control of our cities.
The tenants who suffer the most from the volatile, high turnover and competitively dangerous rental market are the most vulnerable.
1. College students or recent grads of HS or college
2. Single parents who don’t have a relative with a unit for sale/rent
3. Working young persons
4. Newlyweds
5. Young parents
6. Startup businesses
7. Infrastructure businesses requiring a large amount of retail space at a low square footage cost and easy access for employees that doesn’t start fires like the Thomas incident through neglect and accidents caused by failure of the city to meet those business’ absolute real estate pad requirements and needs
8. The disabled
9. Marginalized groups such as musicians, dancers or artists who are frequently the first victims of any housing crisis regardless of ability to pay, because they’re simply easy targets for an eviction lawsuit
10. People of color or nationality
11. Public officials, employees, civil service and military and especially lower paid subcontractors whose presence is vital yet frequently interrupted by bad policy
12. Persons and businesses who have a need to operate in secrecy for legal and other reasons
13. Low income, elderly, and assisted living persons
14. People who have unconventional lifestyles and work patterns, usually those same people vital to the actual operation of a given region
15. Skilled workers not paid at the city level or on per diem

16. A group of government officials in assorted jurisdictions who are getting a nice payday on per diems doing nothing as we travel around trying to resolve this who are more harm then help to the cause as a whole, laughing about how they are making almost their entire salary over again in lodging and travel that drive luxury cars and eat at fine dining on government credit cards.

A disproportionate amount of these tenants are not able to receive mail, of course not be called to jury duty or be properly served or summoned as the Tenant Zero is the person with the mail access, as they are using a shared box (also illegal), or have their mail first intercepted by a 3rd party who then may decide what to do with them (a federal felony), evicted routinely, have judgements on their records, are facing bankruptcy while never having been on a legal apartment lease, and whom also are unable to obtain new rental housing or buy a home. It is a perfect storm created by investors to make sure that home ownership is now a third party lie, rigged by politicians and their lawyers for profit. Individuals cannot compete in this housing market when corporations are treated as individual human people by the law. Homelessness has exploded since these policies were enacted post recession.
Many of these investors have grown adult children who are now on the streets, in prisons and hospitals, or even fighting in the international warzones without any military attachment. Wandering aimlessly, these young adults are prime targets for recruitment into non NGO, civilian militant domestic terror groups. They are also prime targets for other investors in the predatory schemes. Unable to stem their own insolvency, these people lose hope and begin using guerilla tactics as seen in ANTIFA or racist, anti semitic alt right groups opposing these factions.It is almost as if they turned their own kids onto the street knowing there would be rampant unrest and then rented out their childhood bedrooms to the rest of us, conveniently kicking us out whenever they needed the appearance of a normal home with lies and fabricated stories. Some of us have spent a lot of money fighting these folks. Me outing them is a last resort. I am also in the process of filming a documentary as I feel this is the crash 2.0 and that it is happening at the corporate level this time as well. Like I have said before, it won’t be just homes going up for sale. It will be your whole apartment complex boarded up overnight. Does that make you ANGRY yet or will you wait until I am right and you are standing out in the cold wishing you’d taken action as soon as you read this?

dumpster fire
Because the investor slumlords and their attorneys have turned the housing portfolio meant to house their families into a high risk investment gambling casino, their adult children are bankrupt, homeless, and often ignorant that their parents over 65 are now squeezing lavish yacht club retirement monies out of a fraudulent and illegal housing scheme that reeks of human trafficking and old world housing laws that cause city wide fires. Well we had a fire like that in San Francisco once because of people housing workers who built the trolley systems and cable car networks back in the early 1900s. Now we have had the Thomas fire.
The same officials and attorney who sued my family to the verge of Bankruptcy when we recently arrived to buy a home have now sued the utility and infrastructure company infrastructure contractors. I was sued while I worked there and felt the network is poisoned. The firm I was employed at represented these officials who have lost their multi million dollar beach view homes and the On day two of the fire, when the area where the fire started was evacuated and under an no-civilian entry order, Weilbacher filed suit against the city of Ventura. He deserves to be in federal prison for real estate market extortion, fraud, bid rigging, and running an illegal hotel out of his rental home. To me, this creates a great and disturbing moral conflict of interest. I wanted to push my housing case to the Supreme Court having been told I needed to pay $2000.00 for transcripts, having been blocked from receiving the oral CD recording of the 6 days of proceedings for $10.00 by local housing and appeals court civil officials in the county of Ventura, California.

We will not be able to escalate any further and feel our constitutional rights have been badly violated. Worse, I know I and my family are not the last as I had hoped but the first of many. This threat is a threat to our very constitutional right to have private housing paid for by our earnings, the first of its kind in the USA thanks to corrupt democrat deep state sanctuary government in my home state. I will not be filing a motion for review with the Supreme court because it is futile and I do not have the money. I cannot be forced into permanent poverty by the powers that be. I still do not really know if the landlady, Padilla, is related to Alex Padilla, CA Secretary of State, even as the AG in his appointment detail faces federal indictment by Donald J Trump for obstruction. All I know is that this is the end of a strongarmed, rigged legal fight and the beginning of a movement. I know why there were 0 jurors who were also subtenants or had a roommate – they are ghosts. Undocumented citizens, hidden in hovels not fit for human habitation by the greedy liberal sanctuary house owners. Somewhere mixed in that demographic are actual victims of human trafficking and modern day slavery, living with Stokholms syndrome reporting the tenants’ every personal detail to the owner. That is highly illegal. But EXTREMELY hard to prove without seeming crazy. Keep in mind that in no lender is it legal to pay your mortgage in this way, and that it is mortgage fraud 100% of the time the owner has a outstanding loan on the parcel being used as a hostel or shared housing tenement. Nearly 100% of the time, these houses will be foreclosed through asset forfeiture as no one with a rental can afford to pay a hotel tax and those who can obtained the funds illegally.

I write for justice. I may make moves based upon the fact that my husband and I are now hostages in the crosshairs of a statewide legal war that will lead to nothing but strife. When we gave our expertise, we were silenced and told we are outsiders. Well I have news for you. Everyone who calls us utsiders is an insider to this federal public spectacle of a shitshow. Things like huge fires are caused by failure to house the citizens who work here. We are getting an incredible amount of backlash from community insiders. Many of the buildings here are poorly managed and not upkept. They should be shut down, deconsolidated, and sold as condos to the people who reside in the units.
The rental agancies and property mangers are corrupted and frequently allow Tenant Zero to remain indentured and incumbent for years, placing their underpaid, misclassified contract employees on 1099 and then changing to room and board in places such as utility closets and unusable units, and the family members of the property agents, knowing there is scarce housing available for their grandkids – move unqualified low income families in their circles or extended family into these units rent free or taking vouchers only from people they know who have an interest in their financial affairs. This creates a horrible dynamic where innocent, rent paying hardworking tenants are being taken advantage of and extorted, oftentimes where the same group of people will bear false witness to rotate as many families through the doors of their buildings as they can, all while people who cause great unrest in the community remain incumbent. Many of these people don’t work, and they take pleasure in evicting those who not only work, but pay their rent on time. False evictions and leases that don’t last 12 months are all I have experienced since the recession. I would like the law to change back to when I could expect to keep the housing I paid for.

I would say these groups, usually highly politicized and liberal, are trying to force socialism and overthrow our constitutional rights at a profit to themselves and their insider networks.. I congratulate Donald Trump for sending them all a box of food instead of using their icam phones to obstruct shoppers like me when I go buy milk. Now their next rental tenant will know that they aren’t what they appear to be when they microwave that food send courtesy of the White House. Maybe that food box can also help all the non custodial parents out there who can never see their kids get custody and stop allowing all these welfare leeches and single parents to suck the life out of intact families.

Please ask Donald Trump to intervene. All the jobs in the world and all the money in the world will not matter if we cannot buy or maintain permanent housing. This is not an article about Section 8. This is not about low income housing. This is about the right of all Americans to have access to housing if they can pay for it, regardless of their circumstances, their lifestyle, or whether the neighbors enjoy Lamb of God. This is about property managers no longer being able to evict people for things other than nonpayment or threat of life and limb, and not turning down working members of our society due bad credit. This is about the federal government reminding local governments who pass shared housing ordinances that their new laws are unconstitutional.

I saw a woman wearing a full face veil and a Suadi Arabian style garment with several other women following her like servants accompanying a group of men in dark glasses, arriving in cars with blacked out front windows over Easter weekend 2018 while I was out of town. This was in Santa Barbara, CA where I spent part of my childhood. These people swear they’ve been here for decades but I would definitely swear otherwise. If they are here to plot another 9-11 in Los Angeles, the rental market or supply of housing inventory, or the adequate ability of businesses to rent affordable space near their primary client base will be a moot point. At some point, I would like to see some justice. These groups run the same way and with the same networks that bankrolled the activities of Steven Paddock. When do we prosecute the white, American born people who took their money and made this hell happen to us?

As a woman I have witnessed corrupt California officials take away my right to a private restroom, my right to live in my own state without becoming an IDP, and my right to housing. I have seen my freedom of speech punished with a false arrest. My privacy rights have been violated by people who demand peace and quiet that do not work outside their homes and make no contribution aside from breeding more of the same intolerant hate towards people who did not choose to abandon their countries to become global worker citizens. I would say that the global work these groups do is really trying to incite a war and socialism.

If we move again, involuntarily against our own will – does this make my husband and I the first college educated, student debt free, conviction free, working victims of human trafficking? Because it feels like it.

Or maybe its just us and there really is no war. Maybe we are being targeted like others who have spoken out. I find that hard to believe since this blog is thickly veiled from my actual person with layers of disinformation and alt accounts. How would someone discover the identity of a non visible blogger then without doxxing me?

No housing, No peace. Because we work our asses off, and freedom is sure as fuck not free.

Now help us get out of this Racketeer terror cell cycle of poverty and stay out, by sharing my article and raising awareness. Thanks for helping me average 150 views per publish. You may republish this without asking me so long as it is unaltered and you or others do not profit from sharing my work. Also remember this is free. If you see this article being sold please alert me as I am prohibited from publishing or authoring works for a profit. My writing is my experience and opinion. Please don’t steal photos as they are also my work.

In Stokholm Sweden, the secondary housing market comprises 80% of the rental market. People are forced to participate in the secondary sublease scheme to have access to housing and the women are being attacked until they put on the garments of oppression by outsiders who came in, bought their real estate, and then kicked them out for no reason other than to start a conflict for their cause. We have a march or horde of people (lovingly dubbed “The Caravan” by Our President) headed our way for the same reasons that the horde invaded Europe. This is a war for your life, so fight like it and stop pandering to your rich asshole friends and families for approval. Have a nice, stable Q2 2018 if you can.


Justice was aborted on my judgement day.


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